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The AVID Framework in Action: Insights From AVID Student Essays

Each year, we host a speaker contest to amplify student and educator voices within the AVID community by showcasing them on stage at AVID Summer Institute. This year, more than 1,500 students submitted essays revealing the profound impact AVID has had on their lives and how they overcame incredible obstacles and challenges. Their voices resoundingly shared some key themes that connected student impact stories through the AVID College and Career Readiness Framework. Explore themes we've identified and hear directly from AVID student speakers this summer during our New General Session Experience at an upcoming AVID Summer Institute near you. Read More

1. How Student Agency Helps Overcome Uncertainty and Builds Determination

Many students initially stepped into AVID with their futures shrouded in uncertainty. The challenges of time management, participating in courses of academic rigor, and being the first in their family to take a very different path felt overwhelming. With time came clarity. AVID isn’t just a class; it is a supportive community, a nurturing environment for growth, a supplier of strategies and developer of skills. Many essays showed the power of student agency coming to life as the skepticism turned into appreciation, highlighting the importance of perseverance and determination gained from their AVID experiences.

2. The Power of Relational Capacity Amidst Turbulent Times

The pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, leaving students yearning for connection and belonging in a world of virtual learning. Essays echoed sentiments of dislike for Zoom calls and Google Meets, followed by expressions of loss — loss of confidence, friendship, and connection. Yet, within AVID classrooms, students found a sanctuary and benefitted from the intentional building of relational capacity with peers and educators. AVID became a space where friendships were forged, confidence grew, and resilience took root amidst uncertainty.

3. Opportunity Knowledge and Navigating the Path of Self-Discovery

Students spoke of embarking on a quest to discover their true purpose and identities. The relationships they forged with their teachers and classmates guided them through the journey of self-discovery. It provided a space for introspection and self-awareness, allowing students to envision their futures while finding the power of their present selves.

4. Embracing Confidence and Self-Belief

In moments of epiphany, doubt transformed into confidence as students traced the origins of their self-belief. Family support, friendship encouragement, and the steadfast relationships within AVID emerged as pillars of strength. Through triumphs and tribulations, students illuminated the transformative power of perseverance and supportive communities, leveraging strategies that initially felt burdensome but soon became essential tools for navigating life's challenges.

5. Unearthing Superpowers with a Community of Support

Armed with newfound wisdom and resilience, students embarked on a quest to unearth their superpowers. Mentors and allies within AVID emerged as sources of inspiration, nurturing talents and dreams with unwavering support. AVID itself became the fortress where superpowers were forged and destinies were shaped.

In the voices of these students, we hear a resounding truth: AVID is not merely a program; it is a catalyst for transformation. Through academic rigor, community support, and self-discovery, students emerge as architects of their destinies, empowered to wield their superpowers for the betterment of themselves and society. Their essays stand as a testament to the enduring power of education and the indomitable spirit of the AVID student community.

Eager to hear these student stories firsthand? Join us nationwide at AVID Summer Institute, where you'll listen to speaker contest winners share their unique AVID stories during our New General Session Experience!

Student Advisory Board Spotlight

Celebrating AVID's First Student Advisory Board

In an exciting stride towards amplifying student voices, the AVID Student Advisory convened for its inaugural meeting in February. Marking the start of a collaborative journey between AVID students and AVID leadership, the first Student Advisory group hails from Westminster School District. This dedicated group of students is poised to bridge the gap between student needs and organizational strategies, all while developing real-world knowledge and skills. Read More

This program doesn't just collect feedback; it helps students explore career aspirations by equipping them with opportunity knowledge of professional environments. We aim to engage our AVID Student Advisory in project management and innovative problem-solving, leaning into their current realities and insights to shape our work for the outcomes that directly impact student learning. Who better to speak to student needs than AVID students themselves? As the program progresses, stay tuned for further updates on the impactful contributions of the AVID Student Advisory group and the transformative effects of student empowerment in education!

Nominate Yourself or Others to Be Featured in the AVID Spotlight!

Each AVID Community Newsletter will feature a Spotlight story, highlighting the amazing anecdotes out there in the AVID world from educators just like you! These stories are intended to inspire, make you smile, celebrate the good happenings among AVID students and educators, and more. Nominate yourself or others to be featured in the AVID Spotlight by completing the form to tell us your story.

What’s New?

Experience the New General Session at Summer Institute!

You will walk away from this redesigned experience with a renewed sense of belonging, feeling seen and valued for the impact you have on students, and inspired to make the 2024–2025 school year the best year ever—for your students, your colleagues, and for you!   

Secure your team’s spot today. The Early Bird deadline is May 1.  

To explore your summer professional learning options, please visit our Summer PL web page. Thank you for being a valued part of our community! 

Submitted by Eric Perry, AVID Program Manager, Central Region

On November 1st, 2021, I was offered the position of Program Manager with AVID Center. Besides my wedding, and birth of my children, it was the best day of my life. I knew I would still have a chance to impact students by working with AVID educators and administration.

I was placed with the SWARM Team within AVID’s Central Region. The states that I would be assigned to support was Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. As any Program Manager would do, I started to research my territories and school districts. In looking at Salt Lake City (SLC), Utah, they only had two schools that were still AVID—West, and East High schools. However, in digging a little bit deeper, it was puzzling in the fact that at one time SLC, Utah had 8-12 AVID schools. My conclusion at that time was this was obviously a district trending in the wrong direction, but I questioned why two schools (East and West) are still part of AVID.

I reached out to introduce myself to the administration at East High School. East joined the AVID family in 2007. However, due to some political decisions within the district, and other external factors surrounding funding, there was not an active District Director for SLC. My curiosity about the two schools, now turned to a sense of being dumb founded. How would two high schools stay on the books with AVID, given all the other factors that caused many others to discontinue?

I was directed to contact Stephanie Shelton, AVID Coordinator at East High School. Per the notes from previous PM, and in speaking with Stephanie prior to my visit, East had not had anyone AVID visit in the past 3-4 years. Stephanie and I agreed it was time for a visit and we scheduled it for early-February 2023. During that visit I would meet/greet with East administration and facilitate training on WICOR for staff.

Stephanie Shelton met me in the parking lot when I arrived that day. We then toured the school and within 3-5 minutes, I instantly knew that this was one of my strongest AVID schools, not just in SLC, but in Utah. Not only did it feel like a learning environment that was based on NO students left behind, but it had a college and career feel to it, like I had not seen. In addition, East was a special place, in that the popular movie—High School Musical was filmed there. In speaking with administration, it was obvious that anything and everything AVID was due to one individual and that is, Stephanie Shelton.   

Stephanie Shelton’s role at East, is AVID Coordinator, AVID Elective Teacher, Debate coach, and many other hats as well. While I visited, there was not a single student that did not smile and speak to her in the hallways. During the day I spent with her, she knew EVERY student’s name and their story (including post-secondary aspirations).

Stephanie’s drive is for ALL students to reach their post-secondary aspirations, using AVID as the vehicle. She is also always very creative in ways to expand and grow AVID in SLC. Just this past year Stephanie coordinated meetings between AVID Management and the Superintendent, Board members and community leaders. This past September, she created a community-centric event called ‘Pathways at the Park’. The intent of this event was to allow the SLC community to see the work being done at East with their AVID system. This was also in place, so students in surrounding neighborhoods could learn more about AVID’s impact. She also had AVID alumni, AVID personnel, and board members to speak. The highlight of the event was having a student panel so that community leaders and families could hear directly from students about how AVID has changed their life and outlook. Stephanie is also very involved with SLC’s United Way (Promise Partnership) initiative. Promise Partnership, unites individuals, non-profits, businesses, and government organizations to transform the educational environment for Utah kids. Their vision is “We work so that all Utah kids are ready for school, better in school, and successful in life”. Thanks to Stephanie’s hard work and determination, Promise Partnership has selected AVID as the possible platform to make this happen in all SLC schools.

After my initial visit (Feb. 2023), and now having interacted with her on a regular basis, Stephanie is one of a kind. She has solved my mystery of how & why these two remaining schools have kept AVID as their platform. Stephanie is ‘Individual Determination’ in action. In speaking with her about the viability of AVID in SLC, she always says, “AVID will not, and cannot go anywhere, there are still students here”.

_AVID Summer Institute-General Session (1) 2

Leading the Charge: Why Educators and Students Need AI Policies

Join us April 11 for an informational webinar about AI policies. We will explore ethical considerations, data privacy concerns, and effective policy crafting to ensure that AI integration benefits both students and educators. Register Now

Register to attend a live session and get all your questions answered. 

Discover AVID

Do you know someone knew that would like to know more about AVID? This informative live webinar provides you with a comprehensive overview of AVID and why 7,500 K–12 schools across 47 states in the United States are implementing AVID to help students overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success. Register now.

AVID In Depth

In this 45-minute live webinar, dive into the depths of an AVID College and Career Readiness System and uncover the intricate frameworks that lay the foundation for success. Register now.

Funding AVID

In this webinar, our aim is to provide you with comprehensive guidance, valuable insights, and an abundance of resources to address your funding queries and help you overcome funding challenges effectively. Register now. 

AI Policy Webinar - 4.11.24

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Week of Action April 15–19!

Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a vital step for AVID students, particularly first-generation college students, on their path to higher education. However, recent changes to the FAFSA application have led to technical issues and delays. To tackle these challenges, AVID is participating in the U.S. Department of Education's FAFSA Week of Action from April 15–19.  Read More

FAFSA opens the door to a myriad of financial aid opportunities, making college more accessible and affordable. Yet, submission rates have decreased by 38% and 38.6% at high schools predominantly serving students of color and those experiencing poverty, respectively. This is alarming as these students often benefit most from FAFSA's financial assistance. The National College Attainment Network (NCAN) reports a 30.7% drop in FAFSA submissions by high school seniors compared to last year, potentially impeding their pursuit of higher education. 

FAFSA is instrumental in dismantling financial barriers to higher education. The financial aid it provides can be a determining factor in a student's ability to afford college, significantly influencing their educational path and future career. It's imperative to support all students, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, in completing the FAFSA. Here are resources to assist in the application process and support your students: 

FAFSA Resource Guide

FAFSA Student and Family Toolkit

FAFSA Week Banner

Enter the AVID T-Shirt Contest Before April 12

As part of our NEW General Session Experience, we are creating NEW opportunities for our community to connect.

Enter our T-shirt design contest! Win amazing prizes, get your class's design featured in the MyAVIDStore and at our Summer Institutes, and let your students' creativity shine.

Show off your AVID pride and commitment to excellence. Submission deadline is April 12. Start designing today! Learn More

Register to attend a live session and get all your questions answered. 

Discover AVID

Do you know someone knew that would like to know more about AVID? This informative live webinar provides you with a comprehensive overview of AVID and why 7,500 K–12 schools across 47 states in the United States are implementing AVID to help students overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success. Register now.

AVID In Depth

In this 45-minute live webinar, dive into the depths of an AVID College and Career Readiness System and uncover the intricate frameworks that lay the foundation for success. Register now.

Funding AVID

In this webinar, our aim is to provide you with comprehensive guidance, valuable insights, and an abundance of resources to address your funding queries and help you overcome funding challenges effectively. Register now. 

AVID Tshirt Contest - April Newsletter

Site Teams and Summer Professional Learning

As you complete your 2023–2024 CCI, use this feedback to inform your planning for the 2024–25 school year. Prepare now for this important work, in conjunction with summer professional learning, so that you are ready to impact student success in the upcoming school year.  Read More

This is the time of year Site Teams are engaging in the Study, Act, and Plan phases of the Continuous Improvement Cycle simultaneously. As you complete your 2023–2024 CCI, use this as feedback to inform your planning for the 2024–25 school year. Please note, the AVID Site Goal template may now be completed online, allowing District Directors and Site Teams the ability to share goals, monitor progress, and add feedback/notes in one place.

To prepare for Site Team summer learning, read and review the Site Team Overview and Resources. For additional support around Site Teams, consider attending a Q&A session to prepare for Site Teams. These dates can be found with the summer learning information on the Site Team Portal. District Directors, site coordinators, site principals, and Site Team members are all encouraged to attend one of the Site Team Q& A sessions.

As you engage in goal writing for your site, you may determine that you need to set new Site Team goals, refine an existing goal, or ensure sustainability of your current work. No matter your starting point, it is important to focus on establishing outcome-based goals to drive AVID implementation. A purpose-driven AVID implementation positions AVID as a means to an end; AVID itself is not the goal. Before you begin writing your goals, please review the difference between goals and actions steps.

  • Goal: Measurable student outcome indicative or directly correlated to students’ college and career readiness.
  • Action step: A specific effort critical to the attainment of an identified college and career readiness outcome.

Use this template to guide your team through the Plan phase of the Continuous Improvement Cycle to set goals validated by existing data. Define action steps, determine the evidence used to monitor progress, establish a timeline, and identify resources needed to support and advance the work.

Keep in mind it is acceptable to revise and refine action steps as you engage in the Continuous Improvement Cycle throughout the year. Sample Secondary Site Team Goals and Sample Elementary Site Team Goals are provided to assist in planning.

Site Teams Banner - April Newsletter

Explore How AVID Impacts Students, Educators, and Communities in Our Exclusive Webinars

Whether you're new to AVID or a seasoned partner looking to stay updated on the latest enhancements and funding avenues, our on-demand and live webinars are tailored just for you. Don't miss our upcoming live AVID In Depth webinar on April 18! Read More

Register to attend a live session and get all your questions answered. 

Discover AVID

This informative live webinar provides a comprehensive overview of AVID and explains why 7,500 K–12 schools across 47 states in the United States are implementing AVID to help students overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success. Register now.

AVID In Depth

In this 45-minute live webinar, dive into the depths of an AVID College and Career Readiness System and uncover the intricate frameworks that lay the foundation for success. Register now.

Funding AVID

In this webinar, our aim is to provide you with comprehensive guidance, valuable insights, and an abundance of resources to address your funding queries and help you overcome funding challenges effectively. Register now.

AVID Webinars Promo banner

Join the 2024 Supervisor of Principals Academy in Nashville, TN! 

Engage in role-specific professional development, learn from current practitioners, and network with leaders from across the country.

Dr. Adrianne Battle, Director of Metro Nashville Public Schools, shares what she considers the key to our successful leadership outcomes. Read More

Leadership development ensures principals have what they need to be strong instructional leaders, including effective classroom observation skills. Dr. Battle shared in EducationWeek the four important things that a seasoned principal coach knows to do. We proudly collaborate with Metro Nashville Public Schools, who recently received prestigious recognition from the National Study on Academy Recovery Efforts.

We invite educators to join us for an exclusive opportunity to attend this series of in-person and virtual events running from May to November to enhance your professional skills and network with leaders nationwide.

Supervisor of Principals Academy Banner

Attend an AVID Showcase Near You

Schools across the nation showcase their AVID classrooms, teachers, and students. Join us at a school near you to see how other educators are implementing AVID to boost student engagement and success. View upcoming Showcases

Register to attend a live session and get all your questions answered. 

Discover AVID

Do you know someone knew that would like to know more about AVID? This informative live webinar provides you with a comprehensive overview of AVID and why 7,500 K–12 schools across 47 states in the United States are implementing AVID to help students overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success. Register now.

AVID In Depth

In this 45-minute live webinar, dive into the depths of an AVID College and Career Readiness System and uncover the intricate frameworks that lay the foundation for success. Register now.

Funding AVID

In this webinar, our aim is to provide you with comprehensive guidance, valuable insights, and an abundance of resources to address your funding queries and help you overcome funding challenges effectively. Register now. 

AVID Showcase Newsletter Banner

What’s Changed?

AVID Weekly Banner

April AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly

Check Out April AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly Lessons!

Visit your MyAVID portal to see the new AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly lessons that were just published. AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly are terrific resources with ready-to-go lessons that use critical reading strategies applicable across all content areas, bringing disciplinary literacy to life in every classroom so every student can be college, career, and life-ready. Read More

AVID Weekly: Visit one of our March lessons exploring engaging questions like these:

  • Are Stanley tumblers really worth the hype?
  • What were some of the most joyous moments of 2023?
  • Why are kids skipping Kindergarten post-pandemic?

AVID Elementary Weekly: Check out our video lessons created for the texts:

  • Celebrating Earth Day
  • Raju's New Book to browse available lessons, visit MyAVID. Once inside MyAVID, click the “eLearning” ribbon to find the tile for “AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly.”

Reminder: This year, we streamlined and simplified visual layout of the AVID Weekly and AVID Weekly Elementary website, with fewer clicks to access content. Check out this updated resource today.

AVID Schoolwide Advisory Banner

Postsecondary Options in AVID Schoolwide Advisory

Explore career opportunities to help students begin considering and planning for their future. Read More

Students explore the key elements of career preparedness to clarify their academic and career interests and see what it takes to plan for their future. Students need the ability to interact and collaborate with coworkers, evaluate job skills, and explore postgraduation options. Along with collaboration skills, the transferrable skills of writing, inquiry, organization of thoughts and materials, and reading strategies are applied throughout the unit. This unit explores students’ potential journeys and helps them develop a growth mindset for their next steps based on their individual choices.


WAG Updates

12th grade teachers — a new unit on AVID Alumni Opportunities and Senior Data Collection helps seniors transition into graduates! Plus, resources to support the FAFSA process.

10th grade teachers — a new writing and research unit is posted just in time for a year-end project! Read More

WAG Revision Project Update

New Postings for April:

Still to Come In Spring 2024:

Throughout this transitional year, both the new and existing WAG terms will remain accessible on MyAVID, ensuring teachers have the flexibility to choose between both WAG options. This approach guarantees minimal disruption in the delivery of AVID Elective instruction and allows districts time to adapt to the revised standards. As a reminder, the new WAG units are aligned with our revised AVID Elective Standards (taking effect in 2024-25) and include Google formats for most unit resources.

To guide you through implementing the new WAG terms, view our WAG one-pager for recommendations designed for AVID educators at every experience level.

View the WAG Site

Community Archive

Thank you for all you do, and thank you for being you!

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