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Early Bird Registration for AVID Summer Professional Learning is Extended to May 1!

Our teams have heard your requests for additional time to plan and register for our summer professional learning. We are pleased to announce that, in response to your feedback, we are extending our Early Bird Deadline to May 1. 

We truly appreciate your active participation and commitment to professional growth. 

To explore your summer professional learning options, please visit our Summer PL web page. Thank you for being a valued part of our community!

Submitted by Eric Perry, AVID Program Manager, Central Region

On November 1st, 2021, I was offered the position of Program Manager with AVID Center. Besides my wedding, and birth of my children, it was the best day of my life. I knew I would still have a chance to impact students by working with AVID educators and administration.

I was placed with the SWARM Team within AVID’s Central Region. The states that I would be assigned to support was Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. As any Program Manager would do, I started to research my territories and school districts. In looking at Salt Lake City (SLC), Utah, they only had two schools that were still AVID—West, and East High schools. However, in digging a little bit deeper, it was puzzling in the fact that at one time SLC, Utah had 8-12 AVID schools. My conclusion at that time was this was obviously a district trending in the wrong direction, but I questioned why two schools (East and West) are still part of AVID.

I reached out to introduce myself to the administration at East High School. East joined the AVID family in 2007. However, due to some political decisions within the district, and other external factors surrounding funding, there was not an active District Director for SLC. My curiosity about the two schools, now turned to a sense of being dumb founded. How would two high schools stay on the books with AVID, given all the other factors that caused many others to discontinue?

I was directed to contact Stephanie Shelton, AVID Coordinator at East High School. Per the notes from previous PM, and in speaking with Stephanie prior to my visit, East had not had anyone AVID visit in the past 3-4 years. Stephanie and I agreed it was time for a visit and we scheduled it for early-February 2023. During that visit I would meet/greet with East administration and facilitate training on WICOR for staff.

Stephanie Shelton met me in the parking lot when I arrived that day. We then toured the school and within 3-5 minutes, I instantly knew that this was one of my strongest AVID schools, not just in SLC, but in Utah. Not only did it feel like a learning environment that was based on NO students left behind, but it had a college and career feel to it, like I had not seen. In addition, East was a special place, in that the popular movie—High School Musical was filmed there. In speaking with administration, it was obvious that anything and everything AVID was due to one individual and that is, Stephanie Shelton.   

Stephanie Shelton’s role at East, is AVID Coordinator, AVID Elective Teacher, Debate coach, and many other hats as well. While I visited, there was not a single student that did not smile and speak to her in the hallways. During the day I spent with her, she knew EVERY student’s name and their story (including post-secondary aspirations).

Stephanie’s drive is for ALL students to reach their post-secondary aspirations, using AVID as the vehicle. She is also always very creative in ways to expand and grow AVID in SLC. Just this past year Stephanie coordinated meetings between AVID Management and the Superintendent, Board members and community leaders. This past September, she created a community-centric event called ‘Pathways at the Park’. The intent of this event was to allow the SLC community to see the work being done at East with their AVID system. This was also in place, so students in surrounding neighborhoods could learn more about AVID’s impact. She also had AVID alumni, AVID personnel, and board members to speak. The highlight of the event was having a student panel so that community leaders and families could hear directly from students about how AVID has changed their life and outlook. Stephanie is also very involved with SLC’s United Way (Promise Partnership) initiative. Promise Partnership, unites individuals, non-profits, businesses, and government organizations to transform the educational environment for Utah kids. Their vision is “We work so that all Utah kids are ready for school, better in school, and successful in life”. Thanks to Stephanie’s hard work and determination, Promise Partnership has selected AVID as the possible platform to make this happen in all SLC schools.

After my initial visit (Feb. 2023), and now having interacted with her on a regular basis, Stephanie is one of a kind. She has solved my mystery of how & why these two remaining schools have kept AVID as their platform. Stephanie is ‘Individual Determination’ in action. In speaking with her about the viability of AVID in SLC, she always says, “AVID will not, and cannot go anywhere, there are still students here”.

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Is it Luck or Hard Work?

In our pursuit of success, we often find ourselves pondering the age-old question: Is it luck or hard work that paves the way? As educators, many of us have experienced that it's often a mix of both—for our students and ourselves. While some may have advantages, everyone must work diligently to achieve their goals, regardless of the fortunate breaks along the journey. With AVID, we've witnessed firsthand that dedication yields results, and consistent effort is the key ingredient in most success stories. This month, we hear from AVID alum and educator, Danielle Reddie, as we explore this timeless debate through the lens of the AVID Framework, delving into how dedication and opportunity intersected on her path to achievement. Read More

Danielle reflects, "Growing up, I often wondered about the role luck played in achieving one's dreams." Raised in Southern Florida, Danielle's journey began at Lehigh Acres Middle School, where she first discovered the transformative power of AVID through a chance encounter with a program flyer. Encouraged by her mother, Danielle found herself "sitting in room 25, the same room in which I would eventually teach" over a decade later. As Danielle immersed herself in the AVID Framework, she recalls being introduced to college-related concepts and phrases, which sparked her curiosity.

But was it luck or fate that ignited Danielle's journey? Danielle shares, "For me, it truly is, 'decades of college dreams,' a journey over a decade in the making." "The AVID Elective was my ticket to college, literally, and figuratively," she recalls, tracing her trajectory from a curious student to a passionate mentor. Through Danielle's narrative, we witness the delicate interplay between effort and opportunity. "AVID became my guiding light, showing me opportunities I never imagined," she shares. As she navigated through academia, supportive educators gently nudged her forward, shaping her journey in unforeseen ways.

"Each step of the way, I encountered challenges that tested my resolve," Danielle confides. Yet, amidst the trials, she found solace in the principles instilled by AVID. "It taught me the value of hard work and perseverance," she asserts, echoing the sentiments of countless AVID scholars who have walked similar paths. From a student ambassador to seven full years as an AVID student, Danielle's journey led her to become a science teacher in that same room 25 and eventually her school’s AVID program coordinator.

"My first year teaching AVID was seeing the 'seed' that was planted long ago of college dreams come true," Danielle shares. "It was these 'seeds' that allowed us to strive towards demonstration status at that specific site in spring of 2023 and receive that auspicious designation once more."

Today, as the AVID program coordinator at Fort Myers Middle Academy, Danielle pays homage to the mentors who sculpted her path. "Their guidance was invaluable," she emphasizes, underscoring her gratitude. With humility and dedication, she now nurtures the dreams of future generations, fostering environments where potential can blossom.

In Danielle's story, we find echoes of our own struggles and triumphs. It reminds us that while luck or fate may occasionally lend a hand, consistent hard work ultimately paves the way to success. So, as we tread our own paths, let us embrace the harmony between diligence and opportunity, knowing that it is the interplay of both that propels us toward our goals. Sometimes, all it takes for students is one educator who believes in them, and that’s what being part of the AVID community is all about.

About Danielle:

Danielle Reddie is an AVID educator known for her unwavering dedication to student success. From her beginnings as an AVID student to her current role as program coordinator at Fort Myers Middle Academy, Danielle's journey exemplifies the transformative impact of perseverance and dedication. With over a decade of experience in the AVID program, she serves as a beacon of inspiration for students and educators alike, fostering environments where potential can flourish.

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The AVID Coordinator Keeping AVID Thriving in Salt Lake City

This month, Eric Perry, AVID Program Manager, Central Region, nominates Stephanie Shelton from East High School in Salt Lake City, Utah for her exceptional dedication and leadership in AVID implementation. Discover how Stephanie is driving AVID forward in Salt Lake City, where the program is present in just two schools.  Read More

Submitted by Eric Perry, AVID Program Manager, Central Region

On November 1, 2021, I was offered the position of program manager with AVID Center. Besides my wedding and birth of my children, it was the best day of my life. I knew I would still have a chance to impact students by working with AVID educators and administration.

I was placed with the SWARM Team within AVID’s Central Region. The states that I would be assigned to support were Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. As any program manager would do, I started to research my territories and school districts. In looking at Salt Lake City (SLC), Utah, they only had two schools that were still AVID—West and East High schools. However, in digging a little bit deeper, it was puzzling in the fact that at one time SLC, Utah had 8–12 AVID schools. My conclusion at that time was this was obviously a district trending in the wrong direction, but I questioned why two schools (East and West) are still part of AVID.

I reached out to introduce myself to the administration at East High School. East joined the AVID family in 2007. However, due to some political decisions within the district, and other external factors surrounding funding, there was not an active District Director for SLC. My curiosity about the two schools, now turned to a sense of being dumbfounded. How would two high schools stay on the books with AVID, given all the other factors that caused many others to discontinue?

I was directed to contact Stephanie Shelton, AVID coordinator at East High School. Per the notes from the previous PM, and in speaking with Stephanie prior to my visit, East had not had anyone from AVID visit in the past 3–4 years. Stephanie and I agreed it was time for a visit and we scheduled it for early-February 2023. During that visit I would meet/greet with East administration and facilitate training on WICOR for staff.

Stephanie Shelton met me in the parking lot when I arrived that day. We then toured the school and within 3–5 minutes, I instantly knew that this was one of my strongest AVID schools, not just in SLC, but in Utah. Not only did it feel like a learning environment that was based on no students left behind, but it had a college and career feel to it like I had not seen. In addition, East was a special place, in that the popular movie High School Musical was filmed there. In speaking with administration, it was obvious that anything and everything AVID was due to one individual, Stephanie Shelton.   

Stephanie Shelton’s role at East is AVID coordinator, AVID Elective teacher, debate coach, and many other hats as well. While I visited, there was not a single student that did not smile and speak to her in the hallways. During the day I spent with her, she knew every student’s name and their story (including postsecondary aspirations).

Stephanie’s drive is for all students to reach their postsecondary aspirations, using AVID as the vehicle. She is also always very creative in ways to expand and grow AVID in SLC. Just this past year, Stephanie coordinated meetings between AVID management and the superintendent, board members, and community leaders. This past September, she created a community-centric event called ‘Pathways at the Park.’ The intent of this event was to allow the SLC community to see the work being done at East with their AVID system. This was also in place so students in surrounding neighborhoods could learn more about AVID’s impact. She also had AVID alumni, AVID personnel, and board members speak. The highlight of the event was having a student panel so that community leaders and families could hear directly from students about how AVID has changed their life and outlook. Stephanie is also very involved with SLC’s United Way (Promise Partnership) initiative. Promise Partnership unites individuals, nonprofits, businesses, and government organizations to transform the educational environment for Utah kids. Their vision is “We work so that all Utah kids are ready for school, better in school, and successful in life.” Thanks to Stephanie’s hard work and determination, Promise Partnership has selected AVID as the possible platform to make this happen in all SLC schools.

After my initial visit (Feb. 2023), and having interacted with her on a regular basis, Stephanie is one of a kind. She has solved my mystery of how and why these two remaining schools have kept AVID as their platform. Stephanie is ‘individual determination’ in action. In speaking with her about the viability of AVID in SLC, she always says, “AVID will not, and cannot go anywhere, there are still students here.”

Nominate Yourself or Others to Be Featured in the AVID Spotlight!

Each AVID Community Newsletter will feature a Spotlight Story, highlighting the amazing anecdotes out there in the AVID world from educators just like you! These stories are intended to inspire, make you smile, celebrate the good happenings among AVID students and educators, and more. Nominate yourself or others to be featured in the AVID Spotlight by completing the form to tell us your story.

What’s New?

Join Our First-Ever Cohort of AVID Certified Educators!

AVID's inaugural AVID Certified Educator cohort is kicking off this July! Learn all the exciting details on how to become part of the exclusive first 100 educators to become AVID Certified. This summer, embark on continuous reflective practice in applying AVID Foundations of Instruction and create connections with like-minded educators leading the way for AVID implementation. Learn More

Join us for our in-person and virtual events, running from May through November, where you can participate in role-specific professional development, learn and experience best practices from current practitioners, and network with leaders from across the country.

Learn More

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Learn More About the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Young Scholars Program: A Pre-College Scholarship for 7th Graders

The Young Scholars Program is a five-year, pre-college scholarship open to eligible 7th graders. The application deadline is Thursday, May 9.

Learn more about the program in our upcoming webinars on March 13 and March 20Read More

We encourage you to attend one or both events to learn more, and please share the links below with students, parents, and educators.

  • Wednesday, March 13, at 3:00 pm PT: Informational webinar in partnership with the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. The webinar will feature general information about the program and application, as well as time for Q&A. Sign up here.
  • Wednesday, March 20, at 4:00 pm PT: Application workshop in partnership with the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University. At this workshop we will walk you through the application step by step, provide tips, and answer questions about the application. Sign up here.

More about the Young Scholars Program

The Young Scholars Program is a pre-college scholarship that includes planning and goal-setting, funding for academic and extracurricular opportunities, annual summer programs, peer networking, and more. More information about the program and eligibility requirements is available in this flyer. If you’d like physical copies of this flyer sent to your school to support with your outreach efforts (for your counseling department, parent nights, etc.), please complete this form: Flyer Request Form.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to Cindy Ayala.

Jack Kent Cook banner

Are you a Supervisor of Principals Seeking to Enhance Your Skills and Connect with Peers Nationwide?

Join us for a series of both in-person and virtual events spanning from May to November. Engage in role-specific professional development, learn to implement best practices from current practitioners, and network with leaders from across the nation.

AVID is thrilled to collaborate with Metro Nashville Public Schools to host this event, once again, in 2024.

Discover More Details

Join us for our in-person and virtual events, running from May through November, where you can participate in role-specific professional development, learn and experience best practices from current practitioners, and network with leaders from across the country.

Learn More

SOPA Newsletter Banner

How to Empower Student Outcomes with AVID and EVERFI—Webinar for District Partners

Join our partners, EVERFI on March 19 as we explore resources, instructional practices, and real-world opportunities that empower our students with the skills and confidence to be future-ready learners. In this webinar, you will learn more about AVID’s partnership with EVERFI in the development of new WAG and Schoolwide Advisory financial education units and hear from AVID district leaders who have successfully implemented these tools to foster financial, professional, and college preparation for their learners.  Discover how this powerful partnership is equipping students with essential skills for their future success. Register Here


Join us for our in-person and virtual events, running from May through November, where you can participate in role-specific professional development, learn and experience best practices from current practitioners, and network with leaders from across the country.

Learn More

EVERFI Webinar March Newsletter Banner

Amplifying Excellence Initiative: 5 AVID Educators Can Win $1000!

Join us in celebrating exceptional educators making waves in inclusive career exploration! We're on the lookout for five outstanding educators who work closely with students with disabilities and deserve recognition. Winners not only receive $1,000 but also get their inspiring stories shared worldwide! Thanks to AVID’s collaboration with Getting Smart, these stories will shine through various channels such as podcasts, blogs, and/or live conferences. Plus, AVID will integrate them into teacher prep and professional learning. Learn all the exciting details! Learn More

Join us for our in-person and virtual events, running from May through November, where you can participate in role-specific professional development, learn and experience best practices from current practitioners, and network with leaders from across the country.

Learn More

Amplifying Excellence Initiative Banner

Explore how AVID Impacts Students, Educators, and Communities in our Exclusive Webinars

Whether you're new to AVID or a seasoned partner looking to stay updated on the latest enhancements and funding avenues, our on-demand and live webinars are tailored just for you. Read More

Register to attend a live session and get all your questions answered. 

Discover AVID

Do you know someone knew that would like to know more about AVID? This informative live webinar provides you with a comprehensive overview of AVID and why 7,500 K–12 schools across 47 states in the United States are implementing AVID to help students overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success. Register now.

AVID In Depth

In this 45-minute live webinar, dive into the depths of an AVID College and Career Readiness System and uncover the intricate frameworks that lay the foundation for success. Register now.

Funding AVID

In this webinar, our aim is to provide you with comprehensive guidance, valuable insights, and an abundance of resources to address your funding queries and help you overcome funding challenges effectively. Register now. 

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AVID’s Agency Surveys. Sign up for Next Steps!

The AVID Collective Educator Agency Survey and the AVID Student Agency Survey, which take about 5 minutes for educators and 6 to 7 minutes for students to complete, provide insights into educators’ actions and students’ relationship building, persistence, and skills.  Read More

The AVID Collective Educator Agency Survey provides insight into the extent to which educators on a campus take intentional actions based on shared beliefs and trust that, together, they can increase opportunity and measurable success for all students and each other. The AVID Student Agency Survey helps educators understand the extent to which students are building relationships, persisting through obstacles, and activating academic and social-awareness skills.

For best results and utility, the survey should be administered to all educators and/or all students on a campus. There will be a 6-week administration window, from mid-April to the end of May 2024. After participating, campus/district leaders will be provided with a school-level summary report that also includes an overall summary of national findings.

Participation in these surveys provides helpful information that is aligned with the AVID College and Career Readiness Framework and with parts of the AVID CCI. Site Teams can also use the data to inform targeted efforts to monitor student growth and development as a reflection of implementation fidelity and return on investment.

We encourage you to review the User Guide for each survey by clicking the links below:

Questions can be directed to Research Analyst Jeff Huerta at

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Site Teams and Summer Professional Learning

AVID Site Teams engage in high-quality, relevant professional learning, networking, and coaching to support implementation, acceleration, and sustainability of their AVID College and Career Readiness System. Start preparing now to engage in Site Team work alongside AVID professional learning this summer!  Read More

Site teams use the Continuous Improvement Cycle; Plan, Do, Study, and Act; to set data-driven goals, design and execute action plans, and progress monitor their work over the course of a school year. While the work of the Site Team is year-long and continuous, summer professional learning is an opportunity for Site Teams to have focused collaboration time to evaluate the impacts of their Site Team plans from the previous school year, share, and integrate new learning, and develop their plans for the upcoming school year.

To ensure that all sites have a high quality experience around Site Team time, a Site Team Overview and Resource has been developed for Summer Institute and AVID Ignite. This resource includes:

  • An overview of the Site Portal and Facilitation materials
  • A guide to engaging in Site Teams this summer and year-round using the Site Team portal
  • Specific logistics for those attending AVID Summer Institute, AVID Ignite, Path or other district created event
  • Links to Q&A Sessions to prepare for Site Teams. District Directors, Site Coordinators, Site Principals, and Site Team members are all encouraged to attend one of the Site Team Q&A sessions.
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What’s Changed?


New Postings: WAG Revision Project Update

Middle School Teachers: Five Inquiry Lessons with Packback helps to support Costa’s Levels, Socratic Seminar, and Philosophical Chairs!

12th Grade teachers: A new FAFSA guide and student-friendly website might just be just what you and your AVID seniors need!  Read More

New Posting for March: Middle School—Five Inquiry Lessons with Packback

  • Teachers in grades 6, 7, or 8 can now access a new inquiry unit with support from AVID’s Instructional AI tool. Inquiry Lessons with Packback for Middle School Unit features five scaffolded lessons:
    • Costa’s Levels of Thinking with Packback
    • Socratic Seminar Lesson 1: Analyzing a Text
    • Socratic Seminar Lesson 2: Questions in Packback
    • Philosophical Chairs Lesson 1: Prep with Packback
    • Philosophical Chairs Lesson 2: Engaging in Debate

New to Packback? Sign up for free training to learn how to use it, then find the introductory lessons in the AVID + Packback: Setting Up for Success Unit (MS)

  • AVID 12/Senior teachers! Looking for FAFSA updates and college financing information for your students? Access the Pathways: Financing Higher Ed With EVERFI: 12th Grade Unit in the new WAG. FAFSA slides were updated with a new guide and student-friendly, multi-lingual website February 2024.

2024 Postings:

  • Writing for disciplinary literacy: from mapping life on a timeline to writing within a time limit, these units address specific writing skills students need across multiple content areas.


  • Middle School teachers! As announced at AVID National Conference, AVID’s Instructional AI tool is now available for grades 6-8! Find the introductory lessons in the AVID + Packback: Setting Up for Success Unit (MS) in Term 1 of WAG grades 6, 7, or 8 and sign up for free training to learn how to use this robust instructional tool.
  • 10th, 11th, and 12th grade teachers! In partnership with Roadtrip Nation, we have posted a new career exploration unit. This project-based course helps students discover their interests, explore career possibilities, and talk to someone they admire about how they found their path—so they can discover theirs. Find The Roadtrip Nation Experience Unit in Term 2 of the WAG.

Previous Postings:

As a reminder, we’d like to review the 48 units (!) that have been posted on the new WAG site for Terms 1 and 2:

  1. Grade Level units (6-12): AVID College and Career Readiness Framework, Setting Goals, College and Career Readiness, Financial Literacy, Disciplinary Literacy: Reading
  2. Developing (6-9) or Advancing (10-12) units: Organization, Focused Note-Taking, Assessing Organization, Disciplinary Literacy: Introduction to the Critical Reading Process
  3. Tutorial units: Getting Started with Tutorials, Completing and Assessing the TRF, Focused Note-Taking in Tutorial, Tutorials and Grades Analysis (TAG), Tutorial Closure
  4. Thematic essay writing practice with AVID’s Instructional AI is posted for high school. Pair the appropriate writing lesson from the Disciplinary Literacy: Writing Lessons with Packback unit with your grade level by using the AVID Elective Standards as a guide:

Throughout this transitional year, both the new and existing WAG terms will remain accessible on MyAVID, ensuring teachers have the flexibility to choose between both WAG options. This approach guarantees minimal disruption in the delivery of AVID Elective instruction and allows districts time to adapt to the revised standards. As a reminder, the new WAG units are aligned with our revised AVID Elective Standards (taking effect in 24-25) and include Google formats for most unit resources.

To guide you through implementing the new WAG terms, view our WAG one-pager for recommendations designed for AVID educators at every experience level.

View the WAG Site


Support Focused Note-Taking Schoolwide

Are you looking to take the benefits of focused note-taking schoolwide? Empower students to take charge of their learning through AVID Schoolwide Advisory's focused note-taking resources. Read More

Focused note-taking empowers students to take charge of their learning. Instead of mindlessly copying notes from an instructor-prepared slide presentation or transcribing sentences verbatim from a text, students thoughtfully consider their purpose for note-taking and make deliberate decisions at every phase of the process based on that purpose. Educators in all subject areas can teach and facilitate the five phases of the AVID Focused Note-Taking Process to maximize students’ learning. Once students internalize the focused note-taking process, they can adapt it to situations in their academic lives and beyond. Check out this resource.

AVID Weekly

March AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly

Check Out March AVID Weekly & AVID Elementary Weekly Lessons!  Read More

Visit the MyAVID portal to see the new AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly lessons that were just published. AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly is a terrific resource with ready-to-go lessons that use critical reading strategies applicable across all content areas, bringing disciplinary literacy to life in every classroom so every student can be college, career, and life-ready.

AVID Weekly: Visit one of our March lessons exploring engaging questions like these:

  • How did solar flares disrupt radio signals here on earth?
  • Are report cards telling parents enough when kids are behind in school?
  • Why did scientist build VR goggles for mice?

AVID Elementary Weekly: Check out our video lessons created for the texts:

  • Who Says Moo?
  • The Poster Contest

To browse available lessons, visit MyAVID. Once inside MyAVID, click the “eLearning” ribbon to find the tile for “AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly.”

Reminder: This year, we streamlined and simplified visual layout of the AVID Weekly and AVID Weekly Elementary website, with fewer clicks to access content. Check out this updated resource today.

Community Archive

Thank you for all you do, and thank you for being you!

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