Refreshing Your Professional Practice With AVID This Summer
As we gear up for our first AVID Summer Institute of 2024 in San Diego next week, we're reminded of the importance of this season for educators everywhere. It's a time to pause, reflect, and recalibrate our approach to teaching and learning. As we transition into the summer months, let’s come together as a community and combine our efforts to support our students, ensuring they (and we!) are well-prepared for another successful school year. Read More
Reflecting on the past school year is not just a nostalgic exercise; it's a crucial step in professional growth. Take a moment to celebrate your successes, big and small. Acknowledge the challenges you faced and the lessons you learned from them. What worked well in your classroom? What could be improved? These reflections pave the way for intentional growth and development.
But reflection is just the first step. As educators, we're lifelong learners, constantly seeking ways to enhance our practice. That's where professional development comes in. Our AVID Summer Institute promises to be a hub of inspiration and innovation, where educators come together to exchange ideas, share best practices, and gain fresh insights. It's an opportunity to dive deep into instructional strategies, engage in meaningful dialogue with colleagues, and explore new tools and technologies.
Yet, amidst the excitement of professional development, let's not forget the importance of self-care. Summer is a time to recharge your batteries, both mentally and physically. Whether it's basking in the sun at the beach, immersing yourself in a good book, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, make sure to prioritize activities that nourish your soul and replenish your energy.
As we embark on this summer journey, let's commit to making the most of this precious time. Let's embrace the opportunity to reflect on our practice, engage in transformative professional development, and nurture our well-being. Together, let's refresh, recharge, and return to our classrooms with renewed passion and purpose.
Here's to a summer of growth, learning, and endless possibilities. We can’t wait to see you!

AVID Elective Teacher and Site Coordinator Named District Teacher of the Year
We are thrilled to announce that Rachel Candaso, AVID Elective teacher and Site Coordinator at Wellcome Middle School, has been honored as the 2024–2025 Pitt County Schools Teacher of the Year! Read More
Rachel joined the Wellcome Middle School faculty in 2020, initially teaching sixth-grade English/language arts and social studies. Now, as the AVID Elective teacher and Site Coordinator, she continues to inspire her students to achieve their academic and personal goals. Her dedication extends beyond the classroom through her involvement in the PCS Teacher Leadership Institute, RISE Fellow programs, and multiple roles within Teach for America. Rachel holds bachelor's degrees in political science and criminal justice from Arizona State University, along with certifications in international studies, homeland security, and religion & conflict. Join us in celebrating Rachel and the many AVID educators recognized for excellence by their school, district, county, or state this year for their remarkable achievements and unwavering commitment to educational excellence!
Nominate Yourself or Others to Be Featured in the AVID Spotlight!
Each AVID Community Newsletter will feature a Spotlight story, highlighting the amazing anecdotes out there in the AVID world from educators just like you! These stories are intended to inspire, make you smile, celebrate the good happenings among AVID students and educators, and more. Nominate yourself or others to be featured in the AVID Spotlight by completing the form to tell us your story.
Get Ready for 2024 Site Teams Now!
The time is now to prepare for Site Team time at 2024 Summer Institutes. Be sure you access the Site Team Checklist and review the summer learning materials to prepare. Read More
Summer Institute season is here! As you prepare for SI, don't forget to plan for the dedicated Site Team time on Days 1 and 2. It is during this time that you take your learning and turn it into action so that you realize your desired impact on students. You'll see that impact (on both educators and students) during the New General Session Experience; we hope you will focus on how to realize that impact on your site during the first two afternoons.
During Site Team time, you will use the AVID Site Team Portal Summer Learning page to guide your work and set goals for your site. Principals and site coordinators should be prepared to lead their site in the goal-setting process and consider how to leverage collective educator agency to realize their goals. To help you prepare for this experience, we have created a checklist of things to consider prior to attending the AVID Site Team session at Summer Institute. The checklist addresses the preparation for both the District Director and the Site Team members.
We also wanted to remind you about the two new resources for 2024–2025. The AVID Site Team Manual includes many resources that will be helpful to your year-round work. Additionally, the Site Team Quarters at a Glance will replace the Site Team Months at a Glance as a roadmap for guiding Site Team activities throughout the year.
We hope that these resources help set the stage for your AVID Site Team sessions at Summer Institute. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your program manager.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming Summer Institutes!

Summer Melt and FAFSA: How to Support Your Seniors All Summer With Federal Funding
With $50 million in federal funding, districts could support their seniors all summer with FAFSA completion and college enrollment. Learn more and apply now! Read More
Help your students cross the FAFSA finish line by applying for $50 million in federal funds to keep your work going, even over the summer!
High school seniors' FAFSA completion is down 20.5% from last year; by supporting your students, you will help to close this opportunity gap.
Five out of 50 million reasons to #DoTheFAFSA:
- It is not too late for students to fill out a FAFSA application and get the money they need and deserve.
- Most FAFSA applicants receive some college funding, and more students than ever now qualify for financial aid.
- The form is simpler and can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.
- Past issues with the form have been resolved, and students should complete the FAFSA application and get started on their future.
- "Summer melt" is a serious concern for the class of 2024!
Sign up for the Fall 2024 Administration of the AVID Collective Educator Agency Survey and the AVID Student Agency Survey
We are encouraging schools and districts to participate in the fall 2024 administration of the AVID Collective Educator Agency Survey and the AVID Student Agency Survey. These surveys are free tools available to any school in an AVID district. If interested, please review the information below and sign up your campus or district to be contacted with next steps. Read More
The AVID Collective Educator Agency Survey takes approximately 5 minutes for educators to complete and provides insight into the extent to which educators on a campus take intentional actions based on shared beliefs and trust that, together, they can increase opportunity and measurable success for all students and each other. The AVID Student Agency Survey takes approximately 6 to 7 minutes for students to complete and helps educators understand the extent to which students are building relationships, persisting through obstacles, and activating academic and social awareness skills.
For best results/utility, the survey should be administered to all educators on a campus and/or all students on a campus. There will be a 6-week administration window, from mid-October to the end of November, 2024. After participating, campus/district leaders will be provided with a school-level summary report that also includes an overall summary of national findings.
Participation in these surveys provides helpful information that is aligned with AVID’s Framework and with parts of AVID’s CCI. Site Teams can also use these data to inform targeted efforts to monitor student growth and development as a reflection of implementation fidelity and return on investment.
We encourage you to review the User Guide for each survey by clicking the links below:
Questions can be directed to Jeff Huerta at jhuerta@avid.org.
Introducing the Updated AVID Resource: "AVID DD Priorities at a Glance" — Empowering District Leadership Teams for Effective AVID Implementation
We are excited to announce that our resource "AVID District Director Months at a Glance" has been revamped and rebranded as "AVID District Director Leadership Priorities at a Glance." This new and improved resource is designed with a focus on five key priorities and offers a detailed roadmap of actions to be taken throughout the school year. Read More
The "AVID DD Leadership Priorities at a Glance" serves as your comprehensive guide for aiding AVID implementation. This resource offers district leadership teams, including the District Director and other key participants, a quarterly overview of actionable steps for implementation. It fosters a collaborative environment and promotes a shared leadership approach, enhancing the effectiveness of your team's efforts. One of the enhancements is the inclusion of linked resources, providing "just in time" support to assist you in accomplishing tasks.
These resources serve as a guide for school district leaders to navigate the dynamic landscape of AVID implementation. This resource is intended to assist in assessing AVID implementation and to create and monitor systems that foster growth and sustainability of all components of AVID, aligning with your goals. For additional resources and guidance, don't hesitate to contact your AVID Program Support. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to develop and monitor robust systems that promote the growth and sustainability of all AVID components. We believe this updated resource will empower your AVID District Leadership Teams, providing them with readily accessible tools and insights to effectively support, assess, and nurture AVID at your sites.
Join us at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Conference!
Stop by booth #421 to see AVID at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Conference this summer in Boston, from June 30 – July 3! Find Out More
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools plans to join together more than 4,000 charter school leaders, board members, educators, and advocates to its annual conference this year in Boston, MA. NCSC24 is the largest national gathering of charter school leaders, shaping the future of public education. The audience meets at the conference to stay ahead of new tools and trends in education and to be inspired by the leaders and innovators in the charter community. Don’t miss your chance to be where the movement meets.

Help Your Graduating AVID Students Connect With the AVID Community of Champions!
Encourage your graduating AVID students to tap into the AVID Community of Champions before they walk the stage. Parents, families, and fellow educators are invited to join too! Read More
As your AVID seniors prepare to graduate, make sure they don't miss out on the valuable resources offered by the AVID Community of Champions. From mentorship opportunities to networking events, there's so much waiting for them beyond graduation.
Ready to guide your students? Share the sign up instructions with your students so they can access all of the opportunities that come with being AVID alumni. Let's work together to ensure our AVID graduates step into a supportive community ready to help them thrive!
What’s Changed?
June AVID Weekly® and AVID® Elementary Weekly
Check out June AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly lessons! Visit the MyAVID Portal to see the new lessons that were just published. AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly are terrific resources with ready-to-go lessons that use critical reading strategies applicable across all content areas, bringing disciplinary literacy to life in every classroom so every student can be college-, career-, and life-ready. Read More
AVID Weekly: Visit one of our June lessons exploring engaging questions like these:
- Why should kids stop getting texts during the school day?
- What telltale words give AI bots away?
- Is gum really a stress-reliever or just a market strategy?
AVID Elementary Weekly: Check out our video lessons created for the texts:
- If I Ever Meet a Dragon
- Camping at Grandma's
To browse available lessons, visit MyAVID. Once inside MyAVID, click the “eLearning” ribbon to find the tile for “AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly.” Reminder: This year, we streamlined and simplified the visual layout of the AVID Weekly and AVID Elementary Weekly website, with fewer clicks to access content. Check out this updated resource today.
Planning Ahead for Student Success
Is your site looking to enhance or start an advisory curriculum which challenges, supports, and provides skills to all students? Visit the AVID Schoolwide Advisory page to learn more about what you can be doing now to plan for student success next year with the AVID Schoolwide Advisory curriculum. Read More
The All Things Advisory page provides resources, including how to get started, an implementation guide, sample schedules, best practices, and more. As the school year comes to a close and you set goals for next year, consider which instructional routines and content units will best support your students. See the AVID Schoolwide Advisory page and implementation guide for information about how to plan, gather resources, and train staff.
June WAG Updates
New Information: WAG Revision Project Update
- WAG Site Refresh for 2024-2025
- AVID Elective Student Badges for Grades 9-12
- Free Summer College Essay Workshops for Rising Seniors
WAG Revision Project Update
WAG Site Refresh
- New grade level syllabi available for 2024–2025. Look for the “syllabus” button!
- Term 1 guides refreshed with choice days built in for 2024–2025.
- Print/download buttons added for units and lessons to make teacher prep easier.
- Term dates updated to reflect the 2024–2025 rollout:
- Term 1 will post on August 1, 2024.
- Term 2 will post fall 2024.
- Term 3 will post late fall 2024.
- Term 4 will post winter 2025.
Learn more in the Weeks at a Glance Revision Project Updates.
Free Summer College Essay Workshops for Rising Seniors
Calling all senior teachers and counselors! Sign up your rising seniors in the class of 2025 for a free summer boot camp entitled, How to Write the Personal Statement from the College Essay Guy. Students attend three boot camps:
- Day 1: Brainstorming — Monday, June 17
- Day 2: Outlining & Writing — Thursday, June 20
- Day 3: Revising & Upleveling — Friday, June 21
Register students with their school email addresses (students cannot register themselves). Use your school’s Overview page on MyAVID to qualify for the free registration (normally $997, but free for students in AVID schools—thank you, College Essay Guy!).
Award Your Students AVID Elective Student Badges for Grades 9–12:
- AVID Elective students in grades 9–12 can earn an AVID Student digital badge this school year. Lesson plans are posted in the Framework Friday page on MyAVID.
- Teachers award badges to students in grades 9–11 through AVID Digital Badging.
- Seniors will continue to opt in and enter their personal email for AVID Graduate badge delivery when they submit their Senior Data. Information about the process for seniors can be found on Day 151 of the Weeks at a Glance.
- Review this tip sheet for instructions.
- 12th Grade: The From AVID Seniors to AVID Alumni unit walks students and teachers through setting up their senior accounts and submitting their data to access all the AVID alumni opportunities through the Community of Champions.
- 12th Grade: Are your seniors struggling to complete FAFSA? Access FAFSA resources by downloading these targeted slides (PowerPoint Slides, Google Slides) and share with others on your campus.
Throughout this transitional year, both the new and existing WAG terms will remain accessible on MyAVID, ensuring teachers have the flexibility to choose between both WAG options. This approach guarantees minimal disruption in the delivery of AVID Elective instruction and allows districts time to adapt to the revised standards. As a reminder, the new WAG units are aligned with our revised AVID Elective Standards (taking effect in 2024–2025) and include Google formats for most unit resources.
To guide you through implementing the new WAG terms, view our WAG one-pager for recommendations designed for AVID educators at every experience level.
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