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A Proven Way to Close the Opportunity Gap
Teach Students How to Own Their Education
AVID’s success with more than 2 million students
can be scaled to address the learning loss needs that the entire nation is facing at this time.
How will your school district leverage the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (ESSER II) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ESSER III)?
We are committed to ensuring all students have access to a quality education.
For 40+ years, AVID has helped students develop a greater sense of belief, belonging, and agency. Until we teach kids how to learn, we can’t expect them to master content. We set high expectations for every student, and we support them with peer collaboration, community, and adults who believe in their potential. This is the #AVIDmindset.
AVID alumni who go to college are
more likely to graduate than their national peers.

Explore Ways to Accelerate Learning With AVID
Being an AVID member site grants you access to the range of AVID programs, products, and services designed to engage and inform AVID Elective/Excel Elective teachers, other elementary and secondary educators, and site and district leaders so that you can achieve college and career readiness for all students. Resources include, among others:
- Access to a peer community of educators
- Professional learning modules, instructional materials, lesson plans, and videos
- Year-round AVID consultative coaching and implementation support
- Access to cutting-edge professional learning
- Data reports to help districts and school sites reach their goals
AVID Ignite™ is a three-day summer virtual professional learning event featuring real-time interaction with facilitators and peers nationwide in both a Community of Practice and a session illustrating ways to extend learning throughout the school year, engage in productive planning, and ignite inspiration campuswide. Plus, time is provided before or after virtual learning for individuals to further reflect or for sites and districts to host their own activities.
AVID ElevateXP® offers year-round high-engagement strategies to improve student engagement in virtual, hybrid, and face-to-face classrooms.
AVID Path to Schoolwide® (for AVID members) provides two days of high-engagement professional learning and resources for all AVID partners. Path to Schoolwide trainings provide educators with the tools and strategies they need to support all students to reach their full potential and successfully prepare for college and career. Specific Path to Schoolwide trainings are provided for elementary and secondary administrators, counselors, AVID Elective teachers, and elementary, middle school, and high school content-area and non-core elective educators.
AVID Schoolwide is a strong AVID system based on the AVID College and Career Readiness Framework that transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture of a school, ensuring college and career readiness for all AVID Elective/Excel Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.
AVID Elective is a year-long elective class for middle and high school students, available within the regular academic school day at secondary sites, that adheres to the four AVID Schoolwide Domains (Instruction, Systems, Leadership and Culture) and equips teachers and schools with what they need to help students succeed on a path to college and career success.
AVID Elementary is designed to develop a growth mindset and academic disposition in students. By strengthening students’ social and emotional development and exercising the skills needed to engage in rigorous academic settings, AVID Elementary prepares students for middle and high school and cultivates a mindset that college and career aspirations are achievable goals.
AVID Excel® is a middle school program for long-term English language learners that includes professional learning, AVID Excel coursework, family connections, and promotion of biliteracy. This program is intended to accelerate academic language acquisition and increase students’ access to the 9th grade AVID Elective and college-preparatory courses.
AVID STEM Connections™ features ready-made STEM lesson plans with learning experiences that integrate STEM disciplines and other content areas, which can be incorporated into summer and after school learning experiences.
AVID Weekly® : Literacy Connections Schoolwide provides literacy instructional resources that can be utilized in any summer learning or supplemental after school program.
AVID Math and Science Summer Bridge Programs (District-led) consists of four comprehensive three-week programs in math and science for students in grades 6–9 designed to improve student performance by strengthening content knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in math and science.
Here are two examples of AVID’s student-centered approach for delivering proven outcomes:
At a time when our nation is facing unprecedented learning loss, the best way forward is to accelerate every student’s desire and commitment to own the present and the future. That’s student agency, and that’s what we do best at AVID.
Eligible AVID Solutions
Partner with AVID to achieve your multiyear strategy. Contact us.
Learning Loss
AVID addresses learning loss by accelerating learning for all students, which starts with ensuring that school leaders have instilled systems, leadership, instruction, and culture that support raising expectations and high achievement for all. We empower and equip educators with agency so they can ensure all students’ learning is accelerated.
AVID strategies are appropriate for any student, and many schools offer the AVID Elective to provide scaffolds and support to accelerate learning for those students who have historically been underserved by K–12 education systems. Most students in the AVID Elective are people of color, and more than 65% qualify for the federal free-and-reduced-price lunch program.
of AVID students planned to attend a postsecondary institution
completed four-year college entrance requirements
Source: AVID’s Elective 2019 senior class data
Social-Emotional Learning
AVID models SEL and relational capacity building for educators so they can model this in the classroom. Relational capacity has an incredible impact on student learning experiences. A longstanding AVID district found that…
86% of AVID students agreed that they attended school more regularly because of their participation in AVID.
Distance Learning
More than 90% of participants reported that AVID virtual professional learning was more relevant, actionable, engaging, inspiring, and collaborative than other professional learning.
Continuity of Services
AVID equips educators with instructional practices needed to create highly engaging learning experiences in digital, face-to-face, or hybrid classrooms. We provide the space for leaders to connect around the issues impacting them.
Our mission is to close the opportunity gap.
At a time when our nation is facing unprecedented learning loss, the best way forward is to activate every student’s desire and commitment to own the present and the future. Inspiring student agency is what we do best at AVID.