Who is on the Site Team?
The AVID Site Team is led by the principal and AVID Site Coordinator who provide the strategic vision for AVID at the site and ensure alignment with schoolwide goals. This distributed leadership is essential for a thriving and impactful AVID Site Team.
On secondary campuses, the AVID Site Team consists of the principal, a counselor, the AVID Site Coordinator, the AVID Elective/Excel Elective teacher(s), and at least four core content teachers from different subject areas. Their primary purpose is to support students in the AVID Elective/Excel Elective, ensuring they engage in rigorous learning. AVID students are scheduled in courses with AVID-trained teachers who incorporate AVID strategies into daily instruction.
On elementary campuses, the AVID Site Team consists of the principal, AVID Site Coordinator (unless the principal serves as the AVID Site Coordinator), counselor/instructional coach, and a minimum of three grade level teachers implementing AVID, beginning with the exiting grade level. They ensure students experience daily rigor through AVID strategies and provide calibrated and articulated instructional practices within, and across, grade levels. As AVID expands on the elementary campus, additional grade levels should be added to support vertical alignment of implementation.