Site Team Updates for AVID Summer Institute 2025

Site Team Time at AVID Summer Institute™

Site Team time at 2025 AVID Summer Institutes will include three opportunities for partners. During the afternoons of Day 1 and Day 2, partners will be grouped as follows to engage in learning that supports their role. 

  • New Sites and New Districts: Foundations of Site Teams  — New sites and districts will engage in a facilitated experience to set the foundations for the work of the Site Team and begin the goal-setting process.

  • Experienced Sites and Districts: Site Team Planning  — Experienced sites will engage in self-guided work based on whether or not they are restarting their Site Team or have an established Site Team. We encourage site administrators and Site Coordinators to facilitate this learning for their site

  • Individual Participants: Reflection and Networking  — Individuals not attending with a Site Team will engage in a facilitated experience that includes reflection and networking to focus on applying CoP learning in their roles. 
Site teams


Celebrate your AVID Site Team with the AVID Global Achievement Awards!

Nominations are now open for the AVID Site Team of the Year award, which recognizes an AVID Site Team that has made outstanding contributions to the implementation and advancement of the AVID College and Career Readiness System at their site. The deadline for online submission of all nominations is March 28, 2025, at 11:59 pm PT.

Principals & Site Coordinators, are you ready to lead? 

This year, we are offering an opportunity for site and district leaders to attend a Leading Site Teams session before AVID Summer Institute to prepare them to lead their team. Virtual offerings begin in May and there is a Day 0 Pre-Session at every AVID Summer Institute. See Leading Site Teams for more information. 

Action Items for AVID Summer Institute 2025

Consider who you are registering for summer professional learning. What Communities of Practice will they attend?  

Have all key roles completed their professional learning journey? This includes AVID Elective/Excel Elective teachers, principals, and Site Coordinators. 

What content teachers need to be AVID-trained to ensure AVID Elective/Excel Elective students are placed in their classrooms? (Secondary) 

What grade level teachers need to be AVID-trained so that entire grade levels are trained in AVID? To expand to additional grade levels? (Elementary) 

Make plans to attend a Leading Site Teams session—virtually (registration required) or at AVID Summer Institute.

AVID Site Team Overview

What is the AVID Site Team? 

The AVID Site Team works to close opportunity gaps and promote college and career readiness for all students by implementing and sustaining AVID throughout their school. The Site Team provides a balanced representation of school leadership and teachers who collaborate to provide access to rigorous content by embedding AVID strategies in classroom instruction, sharing responsibility for student outcomes. 

AVID Site Teams Banner

Who is on the Site Team? 

The AVID Site Team is led by the principal and AVID Site Coordinator who provide the strategic vision for AVID at the site and ensure alignment with schoolwide goals. This distributed leadership is essential for a thriving and impactful AVID Site Team. 

On secondary campuses, the AVID Site Team consists of the principal, a counselor, the AVID Site Coordinator, the AVID Elective/Excel Elective teacher(s), and at least four core content teachers from different subject areas. Their primary purpose is to support students in the AVID Elective/Excel Elective, ensuring they engage in rigorous learning. AVID students are scheduled in courses with AVID-trained teachers who incorporate AVID strategies into daily instruction.   

On elementary campuses, the AVID Site Team consists of the principal, AVID Site Coordinator (unless the principal serves as the AVID Site Coordinator), counselor/instructional coach, and a minimum of three grade level teachers implementing AVID, beginning with the exiting grade level. They ensure students experience daily rigor through AVID strategies and provide calibrated and articulated instructional practices within, and across, grade levels. As AVID expands on the elementary campus, additional grade levels should be added to support vertical alignment of implementation.  

What is the work of the Site Team? 

AVID Site Teams drive schoolwide change by establishing effective teaching practices and collaboration around AVID strategies, using data from the AVID implementation instruments and Site and Senior Data forms. They promote rigorous content and instruction through the AVID College and Career Readiness Framework, fostering a college-going and career-ready culture for all students. Site Teams guide AVID implementation on their campuses through the four AVID Schoolwide Domains—Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture—fostering collective educator agency. 

The AVID Site Team meets monthly throughout the school year to engage in the continuous improvement process by analyzing and monitoring progress toward site goals and supporting rigorous instruction at the site. To support alignment between AVID and school goals or initiatives, members of the AVID Site Team serve, on or inform the work of, the School Leadership Team (SLT). Together they establish clear processes to sustain a strong collaborative team over time and through staff transitions.  

How is the Site Team trained? 

To establish an effective AVID Site Team, new secondary sites must train at least eight educators, and elementary sites train at least four educators, including the principal, during their first year by attending AVID Summer Institute™. Key Site Team roles (principals, Site Coordinators, and Elective teachers) also engage in continuous learning through a 3-year professional learning journey. Additional educators are trained as AVID grows on a campus.

At the secondary level, additional educators are trained who either teach the AVID Elective or teach AVID Elective students in their content areas. At the elementary level, additional educators are trained as grade levels grow in adopting AVID to support vertical alignment. After the initial year of implementation, secondary schools should plan to train eight Site Team members, and elementary schools should plan to train four Site Team members in AVID professional learning for the next 2 years.

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Thank you for your unwavering partnership and commitment to AVID, as well as the impactful work you’re contributing to with your Site Team during this summer's professional learning season. Should you have any questions regarding your Site Team efforts, please don't hesitate to reach out to

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